Background:China has committed to achieving peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060;therefore,a......
Constituting the artificial carbon cycle,for example,through recycling CO2 and converting CH4 to value-added fuels and c......
This study evaluates the on use of crushed rocks (remineralizers) to increase soil fertility levels and which con-tribut......
Temporal changes of carbon input and soil carbon sequestration under different tillage management in
Knowledge about the changes in carbon(C)concentration and mechanism under different tillage is necessary to assess the f......
Monitoring emission from carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR)by remote sensing data: A cas
Enhanced oil reeovery with CO2 (CO2-EOR) is considered as a cost effective way for carbon capture and storage.However, d......
Long-term intensive management effects on soil organic carbon pools and chemical composition in Moso
Intensive forest management practices,such as fertilization,tillage,and understory removal,could markedly change the soi......
The formerly light brown,sandy material which fills the spaces between single pavestones of new paved urban soils change......
Comparison on carbon accumulation and distribution of different generation plantation ecosystem of E
Mangrove could be a potential exporter of organic carbon to its adjacent costal ecosystems.However, the ecological infor......
Plant cover as an estimator of above-ground biomass in semi-arid woody vegetation in Northeast Patag
The quantification of carbon storage in vegetation biomass is a crucial factor in the estimation and mitigation of CO2 e......
The raising concentration of atmospheric CO2 resulted in global warming.The forest ecosystem in Tibet played an irreplac......
Petrology, geochronology, and geophysical characterization of Mesoproterozoic rocks in central Illin
The Precambrian basement rocks of the East Granite-Rhyolite Province (EGRP) in central Illinois (mid-continent region of......
Spatiotemporal change of carbon storage in the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi, based on the InVES
Profile Distribution and Storage of Soil Organic Carbon in an Aquic Brown Soil as Affected by Land U
Many attempts have been made to estimate the soil organic carbon (SOC) storage under different land uses, especially fro......
Estimation of the carbon storage of forest vegetation and carbon emission from forest fires in Heilo
The forest resource of Heilongjiang province has important position in china. On the basis of the six times of national ......
探讨了广西禄峰山林场16年生4种密度湿地松Pinus elliottii人工林生态系统的碳积累、分配及与林分密度的关系.结果表明:4种密度湿......